
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 20:55:48
请问 “听说你要到英国去读书了?什么时候去,什么时候回来?快考试了很忙吧,不要太累了,要注意身体,多休息” 英文怎么写 谢谢

I hear that you are gonna leave for Britain for further education? When? And when are you gonna get back? you must be busy preparing for your exams now. Don't get yourself too tired. Find some time to relax a bit, and take care of yourself

I heared about that you are going to endland for further study.when will you tak off and when will you return?

It is said you are going to the Britain for study. When are you going and when will be back? You are probably very busy during test days. Don't be much tired. Take care!

I've learnt that u were going to went school in the UK. I am wondering when u are going to set out and when u'll be back.I know that u get quite busy cuz the exam is coming up soon,but don't strain yourself...